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Our speakers will be sharing their experiences, strategies and knowledge. Who are you going to watch?

Proudly supported by

Ellen Baker

Danika Bloom

Mentor, Author Ever After

Amy Bonsall

Joseph Bunting

Tiffany Noelle Chacon

Cindy Cisneros

Creatively, LLC

H. R. D'Costa

Story Structure + Stakes Expert from Scribe Meets World, scribemeetsworld.com

Emma Dhesi

Rhonda Douglas

Resilient Writers

Michael Green Jr

Founder, Lynit

Monica Hay

Walied Jassat

Loveshine Healing

Gareth Jones


Bitsy Kemper

Rachel Lachmansingh

CS Lakin

Troy Lambert


Eva Langston

Rachel May

Golden May Editing

Kathryn Miles

Kathryn Miles

Michael Noltemeyer


Sarah Elisabeth Sawyer


Kinsey Streib

Founder and Storyteller, Feel Good Social x Authentic AI

Julie Tyler Ruiz

Creator, StoryBold

Kerri Van Kirk


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