Danika Bloom
Mentor, Author Ever After Author of 13 indie published titles (under two pen names) and mindset mentor to early career and pre-published romance authors at Author Ever After.
About this speaker
Like a majority of the hundreds of authors I've worked with over the last decade, it took me many years between starting my first novel to having the courage and self-confidence to indie publish that book. Once published, with not a single one of my fears having come to life, I set about to understand all the blocks I'd put in my own way for ten years.
That research became my second book, Scrappy Rough Draft: Use science to strategically motivate yourself and finish writing your book. I've since written and published five romance novels, three novellas, two romance-themed coloring books, a reader's journal and co-authored a second guide for authors.
I've been leading motivation and accountability masterminds since April 2017. That's over 500 mindset meetings where I've heard every reason authors stall in meeting their writing and publishing goals. I'm proud and honored to have supported dozens of writers to push past those blocks and become published authors.
If you write romance, you are my people. 🥰 I'd love to introduce you to the other early career romance authors in the AuthorEverAfter community.
If you'd like free coaching call, grab a spot on my calendar. In this 30-minute call, my goal is to help you get clear on exactly what your romance publishing goals are, why it's important to you, what may get in your way, and help you uncover any hidden challenges that you may not be aware of.
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