What is the All Access Pass?
Aside from giving the full summit experience, this pass gives you lifetime access to all the replays and as well as a series of great bonuses from the experts all around the world.
Once you have paid access, you can slow down, knowing you'll be able to watch the sessions more than once. You can return to the talks that spoke to you the most and watch them in your own time, long after the event is over.

Free Access
Live Broadcasts and Replays
All content available
Valid for 24 hours from live talks
Free access to the live event: watch any session on replay for 24 hours
All Access Pass
Live Broadcasts and Replays
All content available
Full on-going access to replays, private podcast version of replays, our transcript book, and all the other bonuses.
You will also get these bonuses from the speakers
- Free masterclass from CS Lakin
- Bonus video from Ellen Baker
- Workbook from Monica Hay
- Navigating Inner Blocks Workbook
- Bonus video from H R D'Costa
- World Building Course Workbook from Tiffany Chacon
- The Writer's Weekly Planner from Rhonda Douglas
- Sample from Julie Tyler's Reflective Journal
-Navigating Inner Blocks Workbook from Rachel May
-Human Design Masterclass from Kerri Van Kirk
-Workbook from Danika Bloom
-First two lessons from Eva Langston's Course
-A guided audio medidation from Walied Jassat
-Fast drafting mindset Workbook From Jessie Cal
-Full plot type assessment results, plus a mini-course on plot structure for novels, memoirs, and films from Joe Bunting
-Strengths Focused Daily Writing Practice with Positive Psychology from Cindy Cisneros
- And more!
"I appreciated the hour or two breaks between the presentations because most of us are multi-tasking. I did miss one morning so have to catch up. The All Access Pass made that worry free"
"The Pass is a must!"
Your Host
I'm Daniel David Wallace, an award-winning writer and teacher. I spent four years of a PhD researching new ways to help writers like you tell a great story.
My stories, reviews, and essays have been published in great magazines like Tampa Review, McSweeney's Internet Tendency, Air Schooner, and my writing won me awards like the Toni Brown scholarship and the Hodges prizes.
But when I sent my first novel to the big publishing houses, it was rejected. This was a tough experience! And so I designed a way of teaching storytelling that the younger me would have wanted to find, the "character-first" approach.
I'm grateful that this approach has resonated with so many people: 12,000 writers read my newsletter each week.