From Dream to Draft: 3 Must-Haves You Need to Write Your Book
A Talk by H. R. D'Costa (Story Structure + Stakes Expert from Scribe Meets World, scribemeetsworld.com)
About this Talk
Hey there, fellow scribe!
How does it feel when an amazing story idea buzzes into your life?
You feel all giddy with excitement.
You feel like you’re dancing on cloud nine.
You feel thrilled to the core.
Unfortunately, though, that exquisite feeling of bliss doesn’t last.
Because there’s a difference between getting a story idea and executing it; between dreaming and doing.
And when you’re faced with the realities of bringing your story idea to life, all of your initial enthusiasm for your idea may evaporate.
Instead of feeling blissed out, you may find yourself in a love-hate relationship with your story idea.
But your writing experience doesn’t have to be that way.
Your story idea can still feel as wondrous and magical to you now—when you’re putting in the elbow grease to make it a reality—as it did when it initially flew into your life.
To keep that feeling of bliss alive, you just have to take simple, proactive steps before you start to write.
By taking these steps, you’ll minimize some of the frustration and heartache that come with writing.
So, despite the roadblocks that pop up, you will keep going.
You will not falter.
Which means that instead of feeling intensely frustrated because your story idea remains locked inside your head and heart…
…you can enjoy the personal satisfaction of expressing that idea, and seeing it take shape on the page.
Not only that.
Hopefully, you will also see it put more cash into your pocket—while delighting readers around the world.
Does that sound good to you?
Then join me on Sunday, March 24 (6 p.m. EST), where I will share 3 must-haves you need to go from dream to draft and write your book.
Because I explore each must-have in detail, this presentation runs about 2 hours.
So make sure to set aside time on your schedule for this deep dive into the craft of writing.
You don’t want to miss it – can’t wait to see you there!
H. R. D’Costa
Story Structure + Stakes Expert from scribemeetsworld.com