Bitsy Kemper
About this speaker
You may have seen Bitsy Kemper on CNN (twice) or on one of her regular local morning TV segments in Sacramento, Portland, Phoenix, or Albuquerque, heard her on national radio, read the syndicated newspaper column she co-wrote for five years, or seen one of the literally hundreds of articles she either was quoted in or wrote, like in Writing Children’s Books for Dummies, Working Mother Magazine, California Kids!, PC Week, Investor’s Business Daily, blah blah… Why, maybe you drove by her on the freeway and didn’t even know it! Often busy with her three kids (four if you count her husband), she has written soon-to-be 23 children's books and an upcoming "Mommy & Me Micro-Moments: A Fun, 5-Minute a Day Devotional Journal for Busy Moms and Kids." Find out more at BitsyKemper.com.